No.1 Services
No. 1 St. Oysths Lane is a community initiative run by Oundle Baptist Church. The aim of No.1 is to be an open door, offering friendship and a range of services to support and assist the people of Oundle and the surrounding villages.
Judith is the manager of No.1 and coordinates bookings and activities which take place in the building. No.1 is also home to the Minister’s Office and the Church Office which is usually staffed on a part-time basis. If no one is available to take your call, please leave a message on the answer phone and we will get back to you.
A varied programme of events run at No.1 including craft groups and a monthly men’s breakfast.
No.1 is open every Thursday to coincide with the town market from 10am until 12pm. You are welcome to drop in for a chat and a free cup of tea or coffee, there may even be biscuits available! This is a great opportunity to find out more about the work of No.1 and Oundle Baptist Church. Our Minister, Martin can often be found at No.1 during this time and would be very happy to meet you.
No.1 also offers a range of support services, available by appointment with our trained volunteers. These services are free of charge and include: counselling and listening (with professional counsellors), money and benefits advice and help with form filling. No.1 is also a referral point for Oundle Food Bank.
Weekly during market day
Thursdays 10:30-12:30pm
Drop in for a chat, tea and biscuits. Meet our Minister.
Monthly - 2nd & 4th Mondays at 1:30-3:30pm
Join us as we meet, knit, sew and share our crafts
Northants Carers meet on 4th Thursday of each month from 1-3pm
Contact Cathie on 07572 122759 / 01933 677837
Monthly 3rd Wednesday (time varies)
Michael Taylor 01832 272286
Contact the office for more information