The Bereavement Journey is for anyone who has been
bereaved at any time and in any way.
We are delighted to offer The Bereavement Journey in Oundle from Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 7-9.30pm for seven weeks. It will be run jointly by a team from Oundle Baptist and St Peter’s churches and held in St Peter’s Church, Oundle.
The Bereavement Journey is a series of films and discussion groups, run over 7 sessions, that gently guide people bereaved at any time through the most common aspects of grief and bereavement, enabling them to process the implications for themselves and discern next steps.
Usually run by churches, the course uniquely offers a final session on faith questions in bereavement, provided from a Christian perspective. This follows the main sessions and is optional, making The Bereavement Journey suitable for people of any faith or none.
Guests do their own grief work, facilitated by volunteers.
Rev Martin Hills says. ‘The Bereavement Journey is a great place for talking to others who have been bereaved, or just to hear how others are experiencing and dealing with similar issues. Grief is more easily managed when journeying with others and past losses can be opened up safely.’
For more info contact:
Judith Brashaw, Oundle Baptist Church Administrator
Email: office@oundlebaptist.org.uk
Phone: 01832 770010
Date 30 November 2023
The course cost is £10. Bursaries are available.
To find out more about the online programme see https://www.thebereavementjourney.org/
Booking is essential
to find out more or to book your place contact Judith Brashaw,
E: office@oundlebaptist.org.uk or call 01832 770010
or Andrew Hawkins, E: administrator@oundlestpeters.org.uk or call 01832 275675