Children and Young People
Tuesday Tots
Tuesday Tots is our weekly drop in session for parents and carers of babies, toddlers & pre-schoolers. It takes place on Tuesday mornings between 9.30 and 11.30am in term time. Joan Strong Centre, Oundle.
Engage youth club for school years 7-11 (ages 11-16) meeting at Oundle Methodist Church, run by OBC from 7pm till 9pm. This is a free event but bring money for snacks!
Chattabox is a holiday club for children that has taken place for week in Oundle each summer for over 25 years organised by a group of volunteers.
Chattabox is run by the churches in Oundle, under the banner of ‘OCYA’ (Oundle Churches Youth Association). Young people are able to serve during the mornings as they help to lead the children’s holiday club alongside adult volunteers, and then enjoy their own programme of events during the afternoons and evenings.
Chattabox+ Camp
Chattabox+ Youth Camp runs alongside Chattabox Holiday Club. It is for those aged between 11-18 years. Chattabox is run by the churches in Oundle, under the banner of ‘OCYA’ (Oundle Churches Youth Association) and allows the young people to serve during the mornings as they help to lead the children’s holiday club, and then to enjoy their own programme of events during the afternoons and evenings.